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Kanon - a new birth 

I am currently working for a cleaning company called ABIJI SARL MULTISERSIVES located in Paris, France. ABIJI is a cleaning company specializing in industrial and general cleaning and has for main clients McDonald's. ABIJI is currently number one in its domain and category in the region of Ile de France. Kanon Services is a child of ABIJI SARL. Kanon was created in late 2021 to subcontract ABIJI SARL.

Project type: Creation of logo and business card 

Members: Manuela Kalissi Nonga 

Tools used: 
- Canva 
- VistaPrint 


The Problem 

Kanon services was created in late 2021 to help ABIJI SARL grow. The company needed to start as soon as possible and needed a logo and business card 

The Solution 

Create a logo that reflects the company's values and purposes and business cards related to the logo and the company's services. 

The process 

I started scratching what the company logo could be associated with on a piece of paper. 

It is a cleaning company; what images and words could Kanon be associated with? 



Next, I went to Canva to start putting colors and choosing icons. I sent multiple versions of the logo to the CEO. 

Capture d’écran 2022-10-10 à 12.19.28.png

First Draft

Capture d’écran 2022-10-10 à 12.19.35.png

Last logo

Copy of Kanon business card DG (1).png

Business Card 

Still with Canva, I realized business cards that align with the logo 

First Draft

Capture d’écran 2022-10-10 à 12.24.35.png
Capture d’écran 2022-10-10 à 12.24.23.png

Last card 


Though Process 

I worked alone but asked the advice of my colleagues and CEO. I wanted to transmit the company colors through the logo and business cards. Why green? Because it is a color associated with cleaning. Why a water drop? For clients to associate with water and cleanliness. Why the handshake? Because Kanon is a cleaning company that offers services. The handshake means the collaboration between the company services and the clients. 

The end results 

A new birth 

I was happy to participate in this creation. I learned a lot about brainstorming and collaboration. It takes time, but the results are satisfying. What do you think? 

Copy of Kanon business card DG (1).png
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